About Us
The Alberta Organic Producers Association (AOPA) was initially formed in 1990 with 26 members. By 2018, the membership had grown to 120 inspected organic producers and processors with 40 associate and supporting members.
Our existence ensures that organically-grown products purchased meet strict standards in the journey from the field to the table… securing the return of premium pricing to the producer and the provision of quality food to the increasingly health conscious consumer.

The certifying body for AOPA is TransCanada Organic Certification Services (TCO Cert). As one of the oldest certification bodies in Canada, TCO Cert offers a very experienced and capable team to meet all of your organic certification needs.
As a non-profit, 100% Canadian based, member-owned organization, TCO Cert is committed to providing its members with the highest standard of organic certification, research and education services, as well as support and access to the global organic market.
With its head office in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, and representatives across Canada, TCO Cert offers membership to anyone interested in the production, processing, marketing and consumption of organic products.