Organic Links

The following web sites may be of interest when making your decision about organic certification.

Canadian General Standards Board-Organic Agriculture – The Canadian Standards are a work in progress. The Canadian National Standard for Organic Agriculture is provided courtesy of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Organic Alberta’s mission is to represent, support and grow Alberta’s entire organic industry.

The Canada Organic Regime became law as of June 30, 2009. It is a two part document containing the Standards and the Permitted Substance List. Available free of charge at

Alberta Organic Products Regulations. New requirements for organics will help increase consumer confidence that products labelled as organic are meeting a consistent and well-recognized standard.

The CFIA and the Canada Organic Office are pleased to announce that the COR Standards are free of charge. The revised edition of the COR Standards and the Summary of Changes to COR and PSL at

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry web site has numerous links to agricultural information. Specific information on Organic Agriculture in Alberta.